Watch this informative success story by Nasser Alhimeidi, Director of Applications Development at Tourism Development Fund.
In his presentation, Nasser thankfully explained TDF’s digital transformation journey and how Incorta facilitated faster analytics and cost efficiency with automated reporting and intuitive data integration.
Well, briefly, I would like to speak about the fund itself. Defund was established by a royal decree in June of twenty twenty.
And, with the main objective enabling the private sector, and also investors, whether they are local investors or international investors.
And also all project scales, whether it's, mega projects of billion Saudirials or starting with micro businesses of ten thousand real. So, TDF established with the aim to enable the private sector to unlock the capital of private sector sector and make the private sector basically leads the growth of the tourism, sector within, the the kingdom.
So Since the establishment of the fund, we had technology in mind, part of the technology strategy was to lay the foundation of the data. We know that it's a new market. We need to understand the market demands, how the market shifts, what are the market segments, that we need to serve.
So the the objective we had in terms of the data tool, the data tool that we wanted to implement within TDF. We made we we needed to make sure that we have a data warehouse that is easy to use dynamic that can be accessible by technical and non technical people and also, we want to establish the foundation for big data analytics as part of our strategy recently created strategy is to have all decision taken by, basically derived from data insights.
So after a lot of, studies done, benchmarking of many different tools, we collectively with our consultants and internally selected in quarter. And I believe personally as a user, it was the right selection because, I have never had training on in quarter, and I was able to use it first day.
So here, I'll briefly talk about the challenges that we used to have.
As part of our implementation for the technology landscape.
I believe in in, in the fund, we built our technology landscape very fast.
It had a lot of complexity and, especially in terms of reporting.
One of our implementation was the tourism investment portal, which is, service, microservice architecture.
So imagine how for each service, a specific database with its format, and it's on structure, on connectivity. So What we used to do is to run SQL queries, collecting data from multiple databases, and then do the manual aggregation. And we used to do this on a daily basis.
So, approximately, it used to consume us two hours per resource to build these reports on a daily basis and also when we share these reports with the management, we receive feedback that we need to obtain a new insight, which will take more time to build the report for tomorrow.
So what this is what did this cost us?
We had a lot of business challenges. The team was involved in data rather than building new technologies.
What we had in terms of data sources a lot of, structured and structured data, MongoDB, MySQL, Excel sheets, calfc events and so on. So we needed to handle all of these.
The solution was easily within quarter.
So what happened after implementing Encarta straight away, we saved four hundred hours.
This is actual hours of a person sitting down and building reports. Now it's instant connecting to twenty data sources, forty three, forty three schemas, and real time operations.
So this is what, enabled us, for in quarter. And also today, we're actually exposing APIs as in quarter as a back end. So.
In court has our back end, and we're enabling APIs through court.
I believe, this concludes the presentation. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Thank you.

Nasser Alhimeidi
Associate Director of Applications Development