Viscosity and Incorta have been helping customers challenged with adapting traditional data extraction and modeling processes to access business ready data from multiple source systems. We are also supporting customers in transforming into data driven organizations by providing near real-time access to business ready data. 

Viscosity and Incorta are jointly hosting an in-person workshop on Wednesday October 26 in San Mateo, California to give IT, Business Intelligence Professionals, and Analysts, hands-on access to their new solution.

We know 2 hours is a time commitment but we also know from the feedback from past workshop attendees, and current customers the time was well worth it. To ensure you know how you’ll spend your time, we are hosting a 15 minute preview workshop webinar.

Join us on October 6 at 12 pm PT for a sneak peak of the Workshop: simplify raw data for real-time operational analytics. The short webinar will include:

  • A brief overview of the full workshop’s agenda and format
  • A demo of what you’ll access and build during the technical instructional section such as:
    • Integrating and loading data from multiple sources into a pre built model
    • Building and automating a join that allows for quick adjustments to existing models
    • Creating and calculating business schemas
    • And more
Register today to see a sneak peak of the full workshop.

Hosted by:

mike nader headshot

Mike Nader

VP Business Analytic Solution

joe delperico headshot

Joe Delpercio

Director of COE, Customer Solutions
