In this free, interactive lab, an Incorta instructor walks you step-by-step through the cloud-based setup of Incorta’s Unified Data Analytics Platform (UDAP).

Learn first-hand how Incorta can streamline insights within your business through connecting to your data sources, direct data mapping, data ingestion, and insights.

Throughout this session, you learn how to navigate your Incorta cloud instance and use it to:

  • Overview and leverage schemas in the Incorta environment.
  • Create a dashboard.
  • Share key insights with anyone in your organization.

Spots are limited, though - save your seat now.

*You’ll need your own Incorta Cloud Free Trial account to follow along with this session — if you don’t already have one, sign up here.


Joe Miller: I want to welcome you to today's session in quarter fundamentals building business ready analytics and the cloud.

Joe Miller: My name is Joe Miller i'm the senior director of Community and customer education here at encarta.

Joe Miller: But on the call here today, I also have some my compatriots with me, so I have dill Raj and Luke.

Joe Miller: Both SES within our organization that are here to help us throughout the duration of this presentation.

Joe Miller: For those of you who signed up for this, but may not have delve deeper into the description, the intent of this session is a virtual hands on lab.

Joe Miller: That means we're going to be talking a little bit more about using encoder from your day to day perspective and making sure that you get the opportunity to to play around with it a little bit so.

Joe Miller: We know that, for that reason there's going to maybe be a little bit more questions coming into the chat window.

Joe Miller: So if you have them throughout the duration of the session go ahead and enter them into the chat window.

Joe Miller: deliberation Luke will be sure to answer them, even better, you get bonus points, if you enter into the Q amp a window because it helps us track a little bit more, making sure we know which questions are getting answered or which ones, we need to follow up on after the session.

Joe Miller: To participate in this virtual hands on lab we want to make sure that everybody has their trial environment activated.

Joe Miller: And if you haven't done it yet maybe you signed up in the last 24 hours no worries i'm just gonna ask everyone to take a moment to do that, right now.

Joe Miller: it's a few steps to get it done, but after we get that activation going i'm going to talk a little bit about what is in quarter, why is in quarter right and make sure that we have time for that trial environment to spin up.

Joe Miller: Usually takes about five minutes to spin up a cluster and then we'll actually jump into the hands on so just to show you that very quickly i'm going to jump over here you open a new incognito window and go to a quarter.

Joe Miller: Come.

Joe Miller: over here in the top right you'll see a button that start for free.

Joe Miller: And all you need to enter is a business email now once you sign up click sign up on, you should get an email that lines into your inbox.

Joe Miller: That will confirm the email that you registered with and that will direct you back to encarta to generate a password for the environment.

Joe Miller: And once you've heard that password your cluster will start to spin up so just a few steps they're all you need is to really enter that business email.

Joe Miller: Once that's going, you should see a screen like this, let me know that it is lying.

Joe Miller: But in the meantime let's talk a little bit about in quarter what we're going to learn today and about in quarter before we jump into their environment so.

Joe Miller: So talk about what in court is I think it's better to start with what does our landscape look like today, what does a lot of the workspaces that we're stepping into.

Joe Miller: look like from a paradigm perspective right and i'm sure we've seen this diagram until we've been blue in the face right, where we have.

Joe Miller: This relay race of analytics as I like to call it right, you have people managing data sources, who hand the baton over to.

Joe Miller: An ETF team to effectively extract that data from the source systems into a usable environment right.

Joe Miller: But the reality is that those atl engineers may not be able to just to extract one for one or bring all that data into.

Joe Miller: The environment to make it totally usable right there's this huge exercise around where it's going to be warehouse how the data should be shaped.

Joe Miller: How are people going to use this data and based on how they're going to use that data, how do we organize it to orchestrate the best performance possible.

Joe Miller: And then we get it all lined up and we get it into a place where there's visualization and insights and analytics and everyone's happy hooray.

Joe Miller: But, like any good insight it just drives more questions and people want things quicker faster better right and when requirements change as they often do, and they should.

Joe Miller: Within our rapidly evolving business ecosystems, a lot of the process has to go back up this flow right everything looks like it's going left to right and.

Joe Miller: It just ends there, but the reality is is everything's cascading back and forth throughout this paradigm right and the visualization team or people who are consuming these dashboards.

Joe Miller: may go back and say hey I want to add a few more dimensions to my analysis right and when they go back and add that, as the business analysts to do that, the business analysts will say hey.

Joe Miller: Because of the way the data has been organized in the warehouse or just going to take a huge performance hit and your dashboards won't be responsive anymore, so they have to go back to the warehousing team.

Joe Miller: And the warehouse team says yes, we can make that change may take a day or so, but we do need atl.

Joe Miller: To change our atl pipelines to make sure that we accommodate that and it's getting pipeline correctly into our model and new to our warehouse right.

Joe Miller: And everybody goes back and makes these changes and against them back through the pipeline and all sudden you're back at that visualization again and someone said oh yeah one more dimension.

Joe Miller: And you can see, this is just kind of this perpetual cycle of cascading back and forth between this and I tell people.

Joe Miller: Even if everyone's on the top of their game right the queues are short within each of these teams support mechanisms.

Joe Miller: And they're finishing everything within a 24 hour SLA right the reactivity to go from visualization to warehouse to modeling to atl to my link to where has the visualization could be a week right.

Joe Miller: And we know in today's day and age, a week can be a big difference and how we facilitate our business when we look at operational analytics right when we saw.

Joe Miller: A change in tariffs from China overnight people went from having profitable products to having.

Joe Miller: Products that they're selling at a loss, right just by the way, that they were pricing it out and they couldn't change their skew skew models quick enough right and for those who were able to pivot the quickest and change their whole price book they certainly were able to succeed, so.

Joe Miller: that's just kind of the current landscape today right now.

Joe Miller: i'll talk about where encoder comes in and how it helps with this process right, and I think there's better than for me to start with an analogy of what how I think of in quarter right, something that I just have experienced in my own personal life.

Joe Miller: I am an amateur hobby photographer right, I had purchased a camera maybe about four or five years ago that have all the levers right, I could.

Joe Miller: It was for the time for the compactness of the camera had all the settings that you would need to make the perfect photo composition right, I had full control over white balance.

Joe Miller: The aperture shutter speed, whatever it be right, I had it all in this camera, and I was always on manual mode and my camera fiddling with those settings making sure that i'm.

Joe Miller: Creating the perfect picture right and the thing about doing this is if i'm doing a shooting it stars and have a long night exposure right I can't just turn around and shoot at.

Joe Miller: The inside of my camper right or inside of my car because there's too much light coming in my settings prevent me from changing what i'm shooting right.

Joe Miller: And then, this really kind of dawned on me as I, as I watched a YouTube video of an instructor saying for this camera leave it on auto mode.

Joe Miller: just leave it on auto every time you go into manual you might make a you know, a composition to 3% better, but the reality is is photography is all about the moment right.

Joe Miller: you're in this state you're composing something and something happens that is truly remarkable moment that you think you'll see once in a lifetime.

Joe Miller: You may have missed it because you're on a manual setting right always keep it automatic.

Joe Miller: And that really dawned on me because it's true right some of the the most interesting photos that we've seen today are not just the ones that.

Joe Miller: were just carefully crafted but the ones that are just serendipitous in nature.

Joe Miller: And that's why I think of you know, in quarter, we talked about those rigidity of settings that go into creating this whole atl pipeline, but when you're able to remove that into a system that is.

Joe Miller: automates a lot of the back end, then you don't have to worry about that anymore and that's where it comes in right and then quarter.

Joe Miller: You simply connect to your data sources and all the handling the tl pipelines, the modeling the storage is all facilitated within and quarter right, and there is no.

Joe Miller: reconnecting remapping or resetting right in court is focused on adjusting the data, as is.

Joe Miller: and ensuring that you have an expedient and broad rope reporting experience right you're not getting.

Joe Miller: precluded into a small little silo of analytics based on what data hasn't been built into your into your environment right.

Joe Miller: And I know this sounds abstract at a high level, which is why I think these labs are so important is because you can actually see this and try it.

Joe Miller: Now, the first question that probably comes to mind when you start to see something like that is How is that possible right How does that even happen.

Joe Miller: Well, I think, things have changed right we've a lot of the warehouse and techniques that we use.

Joe Miller: Are 20 3040 years old, in some cases right and a lot of things have changed over the last period of time right we've introduced columnar storage we've been introduced faster query engines.

Joe Miller: we've introduced new innovations right.

Joe Miller: Within quarter when you look at the joint performance right it's no longer a logarithmic degradation in performance as you add more joints right, which is why I had everybody was scared and running for the hills creating star star schemas.

Joe Miller: To prevent as many joins as possible right within quarters direct data mapping right it's a linear process, so all sudden when.

Joe Miller: You start looking at your analytics in your warehouse you don't have to worry about how many joins your building in.

Joe Miller: Because it doesn't degrade your performance right, you can keep data in the state that it's in and that's where in quarter provides a really rich value.

Joe Miller: Is you don't have to re architect that data into a new model you just take it as it is right.

Joe Miller: As you load data into a quarter right um there's an image Meta data map than quarter builds right every point of data.

Joe Miller: is loaded into the system and it's aware of how it relates to one another right and we'll see that in our schema building experience.

Joe Miller: And then finally we'll have smart routing so as you're in the analytics suite and you're building new reports and dashboards it's going to be smartly building queries against the scheme was that you've developed to make sure that you are having expedient and optimize process.

Joe Miller: Now we're going to jump in and experience this within encarta but first I just want to talk at a high level kind of the areas or.

Joe Miller: sections of included that we're going to be covering today that's going to show us how we achieve that right.

Joe Miller: The first of which is a really simple one data connections and area and inside of and quarter, where I designate where I should connect to.

Joe Miller: The second is schema design a place where I say hey how do I want to ingest my data into encoder and store it and then what format and model.

Joe Miller: And then, finally I tell people, you can get right to insights and reporting, there is no extra layers or data marts built on top of that.

Joe Miller: it's just insights and dashboards you can build right on top of that right now there is this layer in between that you saw me skip.

Joe Miller: Business schemas right and i'll show you a good reason for that, but that provides kind of a logical layer right The good news is that because we're taking data.

Joe Miller: Right from a data source, you can bring it in, as it is, but to a business analyst if you bring in a system like netsuite right you connect to an application you're overwhelmed with 500 tables and each table has 100 columns apiece.

Joe Miller: If you just wanted to skinny that down logically not physically right logically business schemas is a place just to create a more narrow definition for those who just want to see.

Joe Miller: Exactly what data they need to see right and will showcase that a little bit as well now throughout this whole process um I don't want to.

Joe Miller: escape this idea that because we're creating a report within encarta that encarta is necessarily reporting solution right in this session today, we are going to end at this end state where I show you.

Joe Miller: A dashboard that we've created right, but the reality is is that i'm showing you the whole pipeline right from connecting to data to an end result.

Joe Miller: And then korda is agnostic of where this end result may live right your visual analytics maybe taking place in tableau or power bi or you might be ingesting data into excel right Those are all fair.

Joe Miller: Reporting tools right and in court has actually incumbent or agnostic I should say and wants to encourage you to use your incumbent reporting tools right and so.

Joe Miller: Think about a quarter kind of sitting between where your business users are getting insights and your data source systems and simplifying that whole process.

Joe Miller: The only reason that we do the reporting here today is again to make sure that you've got experience of what the end end process looks like.

Joe Miller: And you know you can also leverage some of the encoding solutions internally within the system itself, to make sure that you have speed to inside as well.

Joe Miller: Okay, so let's go ahead and jump into in quarter and get rolling With that in mind at this point in time, if you've.

Joe Miller: built a lab or you've spent up a lab you should have it up now.

Joe Miller: See here, I think I lost my lab environment here, let me get back to it.

Joe Miller: Here we go.

Joe Miller: Okay, so we are officially in in quarter now up here at the top, we have something that we call the.

Joe Miller: navigation bar on you'll see that there's tabs running across from left to right, but the reality is is I actually like to think of things if you're starting at the very beginning of your plan.

Joe Miller: Right left right on right to Left will indicate kind of the process of flowing data that throughout your system to some sort of reporting or analytics solution okay.

Joe Miller: The only reason I think it's ordered this way is because people will have different roles within the order system right the people, maybe just.

Joe Miller: Consumers of dashboards and in that case, they may only see.

Joe Miller: A single tab like content right, and so the more roles and permissions that you have the further you'll see this navigation bar extend to the right.

Joe Miller: Which brings up my next important point is that you are a super admin here on your trial instance right, so you may be.

Joe Miller: An it director and that's joining here in this training today, and you may have access to all these controls or you may be a business consumer right who may only have access to one of these tabs.

Joe Miller: Those permissions can be defined within the ecosystem, but just know by default you're you have access to everything right.

Joe Miller: Let me just go ahead and introduce each of these tabs very quickly, the first of which is security right, this is the place where i'd add.

Joe Miller: users to the platform once they're used to added to the platform I could assign them some group right and within a quarter, we have group based roles and assignments right so once i've added someone to a group, like a creators group.

Joe Miller: I can assign certain roles to those groups right we're not going to dig too deep into what rules are available there today, but if you jump over into this tab you can see some light definitions of what they can or cannot do.

Joe Miller: And you can hit our help documentation to learn a little bit more so that's some of the controls that you have at a high level of people entering and leveraging the quarter platform.

Joe Miller: over here we have the data tab which is simply a place where you set up the protocols to communicate with your data source systems.

Joe Miller: Next, we have schema This is where we're going to spend a little bit of time today to not only take the connection of a data source that we have from online stores data.

Joe Miller: But ingest it into the platform and show you how to build those relationships and maybe make a few tweaks to them right.

Joe Miller: And then, as I said previously once you've got the schema setup there's nothing stopping you from actually building reports which you can find over here in the content tab right.

Joe Miller: Right now i've got a few folders but we're going to be building in that new dashboard.

Joe Miller: The other two tabs to call out as business schema and scheduler business schema is this little middle layer that sits between schema.

Joe Miller: And the actual reporting suite that just again provides people really logical layer to kind of just interact with data that just makes it a little bit more understandable if you're not familiar with the data assets raw score system.

Joe Miller: And then, finally I think everyone will know what this is by the by the name of it, a place where you can schedule.

Joe Miller: dashboard notifications or schema loads are schema notifications or even alerts, based on what data is flowing into your dashboard all of those can be scheduled from this tab here.

Joe Miller: Okay, so that's it from kind of a ux ui walkthrough we call this the navigation bar and below it and we call this the action bar, more often than not it's The sub navigation menu here, but if I were to jump into data, you can see, I have some actions attached to this bar as well.

Joe Miller: Okay, so let's go ahead and talk a little bit about connecting the data right off the BAT.

Joe Miller: And with the trial instance i'll just say it right off the BAT we've already made the connection for you right we've actually created the connection and encrypted the credentials so i'll go ahead and just show you the connection itself.

Joe Miller: Because it's encrypted when you test it it won't work, but the reality is is when you load data it will.

Joe Miller: But it's as simple as this right, this is an existing connection we're connecting to my sequel set up a username password connection string and if apropos any connection properties and will be using this connection.

Joe Miller: If you were looking to create one that's net new or just maybe trying to explore what types of connections are available to you, you could go up here to the top right it's like new data source.

Joe Miller: And you could search for the data source that you want to leverage you could use these little pills to kind of sort which ones that you'd want to look at.

Joe Miller: Or you could go over to this custom ones and actually start looking at the storefront of other connectors that exist even beyond.

Joe Miller: what's embedded here right we see data others then hundreds more connectors that you can add in through the see data system right so.

Joe Miller: Go ahead and play around with that you can see that we can connect the databases applications, if you really are interested in applications, we have a great training on data Apps.

Joe Miller: That I highly recommend everyone attend if you're interested in looking at netsuite or Oracle connectivity and having preset solutions unbox for you really great training as well.

Joe Miller: Data lakes query services file systems, I think you even saw that I could upload my own own data files as well and store them in system.

Joe Miller: So all that's available to you to put in here, I think we say it's about 250 different types of connectors when you start to look at the whole ecosystem that these connectors and the those connectors provide even beyond what's kind of in inbox within that little data dialogue.

Joe Miller: So the online store connection has been made with for us we're going to go ahead and jump right over into creating a schema okay.

Joe Miller: I will make a note throughout the session is anytime that I do any typing maybe creating a formula that's a little bit complex and it's hard to see on my screen i'll try to copy and paste it over into.

Joe Miller: The chat window here the nice thing is, if you name things similar to me it'll be easier to copy and paste those into your home lab environment like an example is that i'm about to name my schema if we named them similarly than ensuing formulas will be easier to copy and paste.

Joe Miller: Okay we're going to go ahead and create a new schema so i'm going to go here into the top right select new and there's two ways to create a schema.

Joe Miller: I can either select create schema which is kind of building things, piece by piece from the ground up.

Joe Miller: or leverage the schema wizard which that's going to allow me to kind of go through a feels like an installation dialogue right place right and I have a step by step process of.

Joe Miller: What I want to select what I want to ingest how do I want to ingest them etc so first time past I think it's always wise to start at the schema wizard they'll make things a little bit easier.

Joe Miller: Now i'm going to go ahead and enter a name i'm call this my store for the schema and i'm going to go ahead and select the data source that we have defined on the data tab online store and then i'm going to enter a riveting description.

Joe Miller: So that everybody my business knows exactly what i'm talking about here.

Joe Miller: This is obviously a place where you'd want to you know add some complete definition so as you're sharing the schemas around two different teams within your organization, you know exactly what you're sharing and what the intent or.

Joe Miller: The the raw data represents underneath the schema.

Joe Miller: so easy to turn off my grammarly here so it's not.

Joe Miller: All right, we'll go ahead and select next.

Joe Miller: So, now that we've defined our schema or sorry our schema name, where you're going to go ahead and dive into the online store data connection so here, you can see our online store data connection there's actually a schema called online store.

Joe Miller: If there was many schemas within this data source you'd see a whole listing here but there's only one right now.

Joe Miller: So we're going to go ahead and select on that online store and you'll see that as you drill into it there's all the tables that are.

Joe Miller: In house or encased within our source system now there's a few things that I want to share, about this particular view right, the first of which is that we're choosing.

Joe Miller: Which tables, we want to bring into in quarter right this process, I do not want to mistake, it is not a place where we're actually loading the data.

Joe Miller: we're simply choosing which metadata we'd like to look at and the data load comes at a separate time right so we're almost building.

Joe Miller: The blueprint of how the data is going to be landing into in court, right now, so.

Joe Miller: i'm going to go ahead and select at least the first table here and just show everything that's available to you can choose to.

Joe Miller: ingest address table into the quarter instance and even as I select that I could choose which fields, I want to add maybe change the label of what they appear like within the quarter platform how what type of data type, would you like to look at it, as and then maybe the function.

Joe Miller: of that particular field right in quarter has three key fields to remember right, one of which is is the field, the key.

Joe Miller: Is it a dimension or something that's qualitative in nature or as a measure something quantitative right that's really as simple as it gets.

Joe Miller: So let's go ahead and select everything there, I will mention as well, is that if you want to go a level deeper make it a little bit more complex, you can actually customize the sequel that underlies this table.

Joe Miller: So in this case it's effectively a select star, but if I wanted to add specific filters into here, I could actually write that in or maybe do.

Joe Miller: I don't know a new formula right.

Joe Miller: As a practice we just love adjusting things raw you can always build formulas at a later time add filters at a later time anything that you would filter out here, you will want to make sure it's like a hard stop it doesn't get loaded into the platform right.

Joe Miller: So that's a customized sequel option up there and then you'll see that there's actually a custom sequel option down here, so if you wanted to coalesce or bring to a couple of tables together into a new table that gets ingested into in quarter.

Joe Miller: You could write one from scratch here and add a table name to that.

Joe Miller: Okay.

Joe Miller: we're actually going to keep it simple though we're going to bring in all of these tables and select them all and select next.

Joe Miller: Now the final step is actually a very easy dialogue you're effectively selecting whether you want joins to be created, on your behalf, or not it's going to use foreign key relationships to detect if joins exist, and if they do create a joint right.

Joe Miller: I like using it and keeping it selected at a later time you can always add joanne's remove joins edit them.

Joe Miller: So it can be a good way to get you to a place where you're 95% of the way they are, and building the relationship that's being detected within the source system okay so let's go ahead and create schema.

Joe Miller: Okay.

Joe Miller: So we have the schema created, you can see my title my description and all of my tables down here.

Joe Miller: Now do note that I do have a little bit of metadata right, I have some information around what column is exists there, how many joins.

Joe Miller: are going in and out of this table and how many rows are there right, as I mentioned, we have not loaded data into the platform yet so everything's going to read zeros.

Joe Miller: we've effectively just done, the Meta data ingestion at this point, I could click in to the address table and you'll see the same options, I saw within the wizard.

Joe Miller: I can update that label, I can update the column types The keys, and I actually have an additional fields or I can add a description, if I want to make sure that i'm.

Joe Miller: Providing data as a product within my organization and making sure that it's very apparent what the state of represents you could add this data here okay.

Joe Miller: And then I can pan through here you'll see that there's a little bit information that this is coming from the online store data set or our data connection I should say, and then some of the joints that have been detected for this table.

Joe Miller: Black one is filters, so you can put in filters that prevent certain fields, from being loaded or certain roles from being loaded into.

Joe Miller: In quarter when the loads actually happen so think of sensitive company information that you never want to make into the quarter system at all, you could define those filters here right.

Joe Miller: The other call out which we're not going to dig into today, but you can actually do row level security within the intuitive platform as well, so different users see different data.

Joe Miller: Based on their access level permissions right the example that's always been used is that people typically use as HR right.

Joe Miller: manager should see their employee salary information, but they should not see their managers information that's a great case for row level security and await way to set up runtime security filters.

Joe Miller: So just a few options that sit within there but i'm gonna show you a little bit of an easier way.

Joe Miller: If I go back to this bread come and just let's let's just look at the topography of what's happening within my store for the first stop i'll show, everyone is to go over to this diagram view in the top right.

Joe Miller: And this diagram view is going to showcase all of the relationships that exists between all the tables within this particular schema right, so you can see my product table as about some child joins to the vendor table to the unit measure table.

Joe Miller: We got some parent joins a product model product inventory etc right.

Joe Miller: So a lot of information can be in case there, and if there's something within your model that doesn't look right, you can always click into that table.

Joe Miller: And for those of you spin up, I believe that there's a new feature that you can actually edit these joins within this panel, but i'm just going to drill it into my actual table itself and show you that I can just come back and Edit any of these joins.

Joe Miller: or remove them.

Joe Miller: So that's a little bit of information at a high level of what's happening now.

Joe Miller: let's say i've kind of gone through and twiddled a little bit with this and that and i'm really happy with it um let's go ahead and actually bring data into the quarter platform okay let's go ahead and select load, this is in your schema view right load and full load okay.

Joe Miller: And this may take a minute or so on, you will note that there was a couple of options there, but the the two that I like to call out is obviously you can full load your data.

Joe Miller: To make sure that you're pulling in a whole history of your data, and we also have incremental loading right So if you have.

Joe Miller: Slowly changing dimensions and you want to cap kind of do change data capture within the enclosed environment, you may just be able to capture the difference, using the incremental logic so.

Joe Miller: Obviously, the full loads are going to be a heavier lift right off the BAT because you're pulling a full history, whereas incremental loads are just going to take the difference and run much more expediently right so.

Joe Miller: just want to make sure people are aware of that capability, as well as their testing within the environment that they can leverage that capability to that to the best of their ability.

Joe Miller: Now you'll see a few things happening right now, and you can see that i've got these little circles spinning around letting me know that data is actually being loaded at this point in time, in fact I think if I draw out into my schema view.

Joe Miller: You can actually see the extraction process is underway from my store okay.

Joe Miller: But you might be asking yourself hey what's really happening underneath the hood and how do I look at right, and so what I usually point people to is over here under this last load status.

Joe Miller: This is a clickable link on the status that allows you to drill in to see exactly what's happening within the.

Joe Miller: Environment, I will mention that this is a cloud trial obviously and cloud trials can be scaled to different sizes to to.

Joe Miller: meet different performance accommodations, and this is the extra small version right the lightest weight version of of encarta that you can get.

Joe Miller: So I just want to make sure that you're aware of that, because obviously you'll need to change the sizing and scaling based on the requirements of your organization.

Joe Miller: But you can see that they here we've got a list of tables load type that's going on the two indicators are usually fri for full or incremental what time they started.

Joe Miller: The duration of the extraction and the duration of the load right and every once in a while just hitting this little refresh button will.

Joe Miller: kind of show you where everything's at any point in time right, so you can see things changed with that refresh i've got my address table had 19,000 extracted and 19,000 loaded and it's just kind of wrapping up with some post load operations.

Joe Miller: There you go everything was successful.

Joe Miller: Now, as I run more and more jobs they'll start to list down here under this fundamentals load node so I can actually go back and look at the history of all my loads to see kind of what was performed what tables were successful, which were not which had any issues that's all.

Joe Miller: captured within this view here OK, now the scheme actually by loading it we've actually unlocked a few more actually one more key element to it that I want to showcase.

Joe Miller: And that is that data is now available to explore within your schema okay i'm just going to select a random table, you can choose whatever you want on this like customer and you can see now there's a few things that I can do.

Joe Miller: The first, which is, I can preview this data I slept in top right here, this can give you a kind of a nice little high level.

Joe Miller: very quick data investigation of you know how many nodes exist here what's the Min and Max value or average value right maybe scroll through the top hundred of 19 records just to make sure just do a quick check.

Joe Miller: That everything's looking okay right also I could look at you know the data that's captured in each each particular field, so I could look at account numbers by clicking on this little I and i'll show me kind of the first 10 unique values.

Joe Miller: The other thing that's very interesting is that we have data lineage built in here, so you can actually look at how this column is being used throughout the quarter platform right.

Joe Miller: The only challenge is that i'm not using this column anywhere in the platform, right now, other than having it exists in the schema so there's no dependencies to date.

Joe Miller: But as you start to build dashboards and build business schemas you could come back here and see that they now depend on this field.

Joe Miller: Within and quarter right and so as anyone who's managing the skin you'll want to minimize your impacts to business and it's a good little check to make sure that this data is not being used further down the pipeline, so to speak.

Joe Miller: um so yeah that's that's a little bit of the data that's there now um I think this is actually the helpful now because you can also add.

Joe Miller: formula comes on top of this, you could do this before, but it's a little easier when you have some data to to experiment with.

Joe Miller: You could click plus sign and add a few new columns that create some sort of formula that may have not existed within your source system that can all be added there as well.

Joe Miller: Okay, and then the final thing that i'll show you is this ability to explore right it's right next to that load button, and this is going to launch kind of our analytics environment.

Joe Miller: This is a place where you can just play around with the data that's there you can drag and drop it.

Joe Miller: right into our.

Joe Miller: Our analytics experience and start to see that data populate.

Joe Miller: As it would for a business analyst who's building a report.

Joe Miller: what's nice about this, as well as you can actually see by building it and exploring it what's happening underneath the hood right we talked about having that whole data model right.

Joe Miller: I could actually investigate how that data models being queried now right you'll see that I pulled these all from address so it's actually not going to be a really interesting query plan it's only querying the table address.

Joe Miller: But as I drag and columns from different fields you'll see don't start to see that query plan build and build and build and that's where there's there's a lot of that smart query routing right.

Joe Miller: i'll show you that as we get more into the reporting, as we build some more interesting stuff.

Joe Miller: But at a high level if you're building a schema, this is a great way to also investigate your data and making sure that the relationships that you've built are working in the ways that you've expected.

Joe Miller: Okay, so now we've built a schema and we're going to jump right over the content, and I only jumped a content to basically issue the problem statement right of why you might consider using the business schema so let's go ahead and jump into content.

Joe Miller: Content tab.

Joe Miller: And let's create a new dashboard.

Joe Miller: I must select the new button that dashboard and i'll call this sales overview.

Joe Miller: and give it some description.

Joe Miller: So we're effectively now in an environment where we are creating a dashboard.

Joe Miller: Our dashboards are structured in tabs right, you can add tabs here and within each tab you can add insights or charts right so let's go ahead and create a first one we're going to create a donut chart.

Joe Miller: So let's go ahead and create an insight here by selecting add insight.

Joe Miller: and the first thing that we're going to want to do is making sure that we are looking at the right data to build our insight well look at our my store schema right.

Joe Miller: So over here on the Left panel that's all this is here to do is just make sure that you're pulling the right data forward to drag and drop from so i'm going to slack manage data set.

Joe Miller: over here there's three tabs where I select the tables view and say we're going to want to bring in my store schema.

Joe Miller: will want my store Okay, and now we're here on the left, you can see that i've got all of my tables here to drag and drop the columns into my insight builder.

Joe Miller: Now, the one thing that i'll make note of is, you can see these little indicators over here on the left side of each field that's just a quick view of what type.

Joe Miller: In quarter type, it is it's a key field here or dimension field here or measure field here, and then the exception in some cases is on time or date.

Joe Miller: indicators as well, so that's a quick way of getting an understanding of what columns are there, if you want to take a quick look at what that did it actually was again, you can click on that little.

Joe Miller: detail view here with that little I icon and will tell you exactly what table it's coming from from what schema what the column name was and some sample data.

Joe Miller: Okay, so let's go ahead and select the insight type that we want to build we're going to select a donut chart.

Joe Miller: Okay, and we're going to bring in two fields into this i'm first going to pull in a category name from product category so i'm gonna use the search bar up top and type in category, or at least the beginning of it.

Joe Miller: and dry again category name.

Joe Miller: Next i'm going to search for another field called line total.

Joe Miller: and drag that into my measure.

Joe Miller: boom.

Joe Miller: done a chart made now.

Joe Miller: For some of you out there who are asking was line total line total revenue on, so we can actually rename this column you'll see that as I highlight each of these pills.

Joe Miller: there's a settings panel over here just to the right of it that I can use to update some information or the formatting of those particular values, so in this case i'll update blowing line total to be revenue.

Joe Miller: perfect and i'm edit the insight title did that quickly you can just click on the insight title up here and we'll call it revenue by category.

Joe Miller: And if we're happy with that all we need to do is save it.

Joe Miller: And it's now our first building block that's within our insight.

Joe Miller: Okay, now the problem statement that I wanted to issue in this particular case was gee golly, this is a lot of information isn't it.

Joe Miller: Right there's a lot going on here it's kind of hard to understand what you might want to use right in some cases like mine, total unless you kind of knew the online store system that might be something where you might have been looking for revenue.

Joe Miller: and never found it right so giving people access to that raw data does come with some drawbacks right it, it makes things a little bit harder to find and all that business schema.

Joe Miller: layer is going to do is make it a little bit more findable right, we are not going to be changing the architecture of the schema itself.

Joe Miller: we're just providing a way to easily more easily source of the field so let's go ahead and build a business case and we're actually going to also use a few formulas as well.

Joe Miller: To leverage within our insights six some basic calculations around profit and when the start of the month is so i'm going to save that once more and i'm going to navigate over to my business schema view.

Joe Miller: Okay let's go ahead and create a new business schema and i'm going to go ahead and name the schema.

Joe Miller: Business underscore sales.

Joe Miller: And i'll call this my sales schema.

Joe Miller: Okay.

Joe Miller: Now, once we have that sales team up, we can build a series of views into that schema in this case we're just going to add one view just note that you can add many more than just one I must select this add new view button.

Joe Miller: Double Click on that title and go ahead and give this a name i'm going to call this view sales.

Joe Miller: Okay.

Joe Miller: over here on the right, we have that data manager panel, just like we saw over when we were building insights so let's make sure that we go ahead and pick which data, we want to be drawing from and again.

Joe Miller: we'll want to make sure that we're pulling from that my store data so let's like my store and let's choose some fields that we think we're going to use.

Joe Miller: Every time we build an insight time in and time out right we just want to make it easy to find it easily labeled right so let's add a few of them.

Joe Miller: Well, first of which is, I know, at least from a reporting perspective that some people want to do some customer accounts right and so to do that i'll want to look at my customer ID fields so i'm gonna look for customer ID.

Joe Miller: You can see that I have three different ones, in this case i'm going to pull it from the sales order header.

Joe Miller: Sales order header customer ID.

Joe Miller: Next we're going to pull in that line total.

Joe Miller: See here we're going to drag and drop it over into our view sales.

Joe Miller: Again didn't like the label line total let's just call this what it is revenue.

Joe Miller: Just by changing this label.

Joe Miller: Next we're going to do product category as we just didn't that donut chart so let's go ahead and look for that category search term product category category name will drag and drop that in there as well.

Joe Miller: This one in the chat, just in case.

Joe Miller: And then the next one that we're going to be looking for i'll drop this one in chat as well.

Joe Miller: As product subcategory name which just based on searching the word category it actually shows up right below it some a dragon sub category name.

Joe Miller: OK.

Joe Miller: The next two columns and i'm going to do, are actually going to be formulas, but before I do that i'm just going to rename these to something a little bit easier to understand i'm going to call this product category.

Joe Miller: And this one product subcategory.

Joe Miller: Beautiful.

Joe Miller: done, and done.

Joe Miller: All right, let's go ahead and add some formulas right um, one of which is, I want to calculate profit how profitable where we let's go ahead and add a new formula from this top side here, you can see, this new formula option, and I can drag that into my view.

Joe Miller: And i'm gonna go ahead and give this a name a call this profit.

Joe Miller: There we go.

Joe Miller: And we're going to set what type of.

Joe Miller: field, this is going to be within quarter for it's going to be a manager or dimension, and this case is going to be a measure and we're going to click set formula.

Joe Miller: Okay i'm going to go ahead and drop this formula into chat right now, so you can leverage this as in building alongside of me.

Joe Miller: But effectively, we are going to take our revenue is and subtract how much how much the cost to produce the number of products that we do right so.

Joe Miller: let's go ahead and build our formula i'ma call this one line total and there's a few things to do within the formula builder on you could Double Click you can drag and drop.

Joe Miller: there's a number of ways that you can build it in, and you cannot actually see that there's a an auto complete as well, so I can look at my store sales.

Joe Miller: Order detail and line total alright always that you could drag this field in I always find it easier, just to Double Click and landed on where that cursor is going to be.

Joe Miller: Okay, so we want to subtract the cost to produce these products so there's two fields that i'm going to look for i'm going to look for the order quantity.

Joe Miller: And this is going to be coming from the sales order detail.

Joe Miller: times the standard cost.

Joe Miller: So that's my formula, what was the revenue minus the cost to produce all the vote was ordered.

Joe Miller: Will validate and save that and now i'm just going to add one more column in this case, it will just be a column that represents the start of every month of each order right so i'm going to add a new formula here drag and drop it.

Joe Miller: And we'll set this as order date.

Joe Miller: i'm The one thing that i'll make note of is anytime that you name a name as in court is going to be using it.

Joe Miller: It applies to many of the rules that existed in database systems were no spaces are allowed, but the label is something that's going to be externally used and viewed by those who are building in the dashboards and reports.

Joe Miller: So this is where you'd want the the appearing him to be edited here Okay, and in this case we're going to change that to a dimension and set the formula.

Joe Miller: This one is a simple formula we're going to be looking for something called month start date.

Joe Miller: and be looking for the order.

Joe Miller: Okay i'm gonna pull this order date from the sales order header.

Joe Miller: On a copy of that in the chat for everybody here.

Joe Miller: Good.

Joe Miller: Okay, now, before navigating away i've made this mistake a few times myself make sure you come up here and select done before you hit any other tab this is going to lock in your view.

Joe Miller: Perfect now let's go change our experience let's go look at how this experience influences how we develop our reports and dashboards i'm going to jump back over and content into our sales overview and let's go ahead and Edit.

Joe Miller: This donut chart okay.

Joe Miller: We still have this old view of the data set that we were managed this is everything from my store I was looking at it all right now with our business schema you can see that in the views tab.

Joe Miller: We had that view sales and life has become much easier.

Joe Miller: Right all the information is contained here so i'm gonna remove these and i'm just gonna bring in product category and revenue and again only from the the schema.

Joe Miller: So inherits those nice clean names and we're all using the same things with across the whole dashboard and we'll call it done.

Joe Miller: Okay.

Joe Miller: So that's everything that's kind of leading up to the insight development and why you would do that um we're just going to add a few more visualizations here into our dashboard we're going to add a.

Joe Miller: table online chart and some kpis and then i'm going to showcase how to share that out, or how that can be leveraged within your organization okay.

Joe Miller: So let's go ahead and start on our next one we're going to be building out a line chart on the first time that we created insight, there was a big bull button That said, put an insight in here.

Joe Miller: anytime after you create your first insight you're gonna have to go to the top select add an incident with that with that plus button OK.

Joe Miller: Now, the one thing i'm that is always a mistake within how I DEMO this is every time I open up a new insight.

Joe Miller: The first insight that I created, it was very smart and understanding which data set I wanted to manage.

Joe Miller: And so every insight that I open and after that is going to use that same manage data set which was my store right, the reality is is that we went back and recreated.

Joe Miller: The business female right so with every insight here i'm going to go back and just manage these data sets back to the business schema sales, but if I had started this dashboard from scratch just using that business schema sales That was what would be showing by default every time.

Joe Miller: But i'm going to go ahead and select view sales there let's select a line chart as our insight type and we're going to drop a few things here we're going to first dragon our order date into our grouping dimension.

Joe Miller: let's take a look at the performance of all of our products as their own line so during our product category as a coloring dimension and let's bring in revenue, as our measure.

Joe Miller: OK, and now you can see everything's rendered I can see that bikes is my top performing category, followed by components, clothing and accessories.

Joe Miller: Okay, the one thing I don't like about this particular insight is just the way that it starts right it's capturing a weird point in time, where we hadn't done business previously so maybe I want to filter it out, maybe just start on.

Joe Miller: The first of 20 2012 right for our data, so the one thing that I can do is I can leverage this last trade that we haven't used before called the individual filter.

Joe Miller: which will remove data from this insight and this insight only right, not the whole dashboard just this insight some add order date.

Joe Miller: And i'll say that it's greater than or equals.

Joe Miller: And then January 1 20 2012.

Joe Miller: Now everything's nicely filtered i'm going to go ahead and name this i'll just call this category.

Joe Miller: performance.

Joe Miller: over time.

Joe Miller: Maybe category revenue performance over time.

Joe Miller: perfect.

Joe Miller: So now with that insight we've kind of learned how to leverage not only dragging and dropping but you know some of the capabilities to filter within the actual insight itself.

Joe Miller: The next one is we're going to build high level kpis so in this case for learn a little bit about some deeper formatting options within quarters reporting suite so let's go ahead and select add manage that data set once more back into our business schema sales.

Joe Miller: So I just get that Nice clean sales view and i'm going to scroll all the way down to the bottom of my visualization list here and find that key KPI visualization.

Joe Miller: um what I want to visualize at a high level from my kpis is how much revenue, how much profit and how many unique customers, I have.

Joe Miller: So i'm going to go ahead and dragon revenue as a measure the dragon profit as a measure and i'm dragging my customer ID as a measure as well okay.

Joe Miller: And you can see, as i'm doing this it's adding a new High Level one big number for each of those measures that I can add to my dashboard OK.

Joe Miller: Now let's go through and configure some of these just so they look a little bit cleaner, on top of our dashboard revenue, I, like the name it's good that it's summing up.

Joe Miller: All of our revenue, and that is a correct aggregation type and it will default to that aggregation type.

Joe Miller: i'm The one thing that I don't like is just the way it's formatted it doesn't have $1 sign it's got cents on it, I just want to keep it around $1 some I hit this number format and select dollar round it.

Joe Miller: Just saves a little bit of real estate and I don't think people are going to be counting pennies at a KPI level right maybe at a table level but probably not a KPI level profit suffers from the same formatting issue so i'm going to go ahead and select dollar around it for that one.

Joe Miller: And then customer ID this one's an interesting one, because obviously i'm not going to.

Joe Miller: apply that same formatting to it, but I am going to change as you see the aggregation type right at this point in time i'm summing the customer ids together right Instead of that, I just want to do a distinct.

Joe Miller: Count distinct of the customer ids that exists there, I want to change that label from customer ID to.

Joe Miller: number of customers.

Joe Miller: And you can see, by doing that countless things as well that format changed from a decimal over to a whole number so that worked out well in my favor.

Joe Miller: And let's go ahead and add a title for this and i'll just name it kpis.

Joe Miller: perfect.

Joe Miller: i'll leave that there for just maybe 15 seconds, just to make sure everyone else has that same setting and then we'll move on to the last insight build.

Joe Miller: Okay let's go ahead and save it.

Joe Miller: You can see everything's just kind of falling in line here within my dashboard i'm going to go ahead and add one more in this case we're going to add some detailed view so people can view.

Joe Miller: At a product category and and probably products subcategory level what our revenue profit was and some conditional formatting as well.

Joe Miller: So let's go ahead and open a new insight, this is going to be the last time we have to do this when go over to views a select our business schema on view sales.

Joe Miller: And we're going to choose an aggregated table Okay, and in this table i'm a dragon product category subcategory for our measures will want revenue and profit.

Joe Miller: Okay.

Joe Miller: Now the the one fun thing that very we didn't explore as well before we we touched on it during our schema phase, but i'll show it more here is what's happening underneath the hood right for any of these measures.

Joe Miller: I can click in and see how these measures are being queried against right so profit, I can look at the query plan revenue, I can look at the query plan right and see that.

Joe Miller: it's querying from sales order table to product product subcategory to product category to derive This insight right.

Joe Miller: So you can see that there's no manipulation of how we organize that model to make this all work or create snappy reporting.

Joe Miller: it's just all done underneath the hood right, and if you are interested, you can also for tables and table insights only you can actually view the sequel that underlies that table as well.

Joe Miller: So you can see exactly how it's done right from sales order detail it's left that are joining the product that that are joined, you know product sub category and category, etc.

Joe Miller: that's how it's all doing this, but but no real logistic degradation in performance on the joints.

Joe Miller: Which is what makes him quarter so so incredibly powerful now let's go ahead and add some formatting to this.

Joe Miller: A few things that i'm going to do here on the first of which is let's add some conditional formatting okay.

Joe Miller: Actually let's start high level, I just want things to be dollars and cents right let's go ahead and at change our formats for revenue and profit to be dollar I do want to keep the sense in this case so i'm and choose dollar format for revenue.

Joe Miller: And dollar format for profit, now I really want profit to pop it's kind of hard.

Joe Miller: here to view exactly what's profitable or moderately profitable or not profitable at all so i'm going to add some conditional formatting to make things pop a little bit more okay.

Joe Miller: So over in this profit settings panel i'm going to add three conditional formats right the first conditional format that i'll say is hey if something is more than a million dollars in profit let's go ahead and give that a nice green light color right.

Joe Miller: The second conditional format i'll say is hey if it's greater than or equal to zero let's give it a yellow.

Joe Miller: oops I chose text color to go back to black here i'm gonna go back and change the background color yellow.

Joe Miller: And the final conditional format i'll say if it's less than zero let's give it that so scary red color that no one ever wants to see but we shouldn't see it if we have it.

Joe Miller: And voila.

Joe Miller: There we have it right conditional formatting added, you can see the logic down here, and this panel The first one is greater than a million make it green greater than or equal to zero, make it yellow less than zero go ahead and make it red.

Joe Miller: Good good um The one thing I do love is I love my real estate and or in Florida, I like preserving that room, so people don't see too much or get that information overload.

Joe Miller: So one thing that I like to do since product and product subcategory kind of hierarchical is a.

Joe Miller: Effectively folding them into an accordion experience, where they can drag or unfold a product category to see the subcategories to do that, I can go to the settings of this table, and these are global settings for the table right and i'll just say merge columns.

Joe Miller: Okay again it's right here, maybe the third or fourth setting down for setting down merge columns.

Joe Miller: And you can see that I can flip these open and closed.

Joe Miller: i'll go ahead and save that.

Joe Miller: Actually, I should add a name i'll just add a small name like product product detail.

Joe Miller: save it.

Joe Miller: perfect.

Joe Miller: Okay, so now we have everything kind of built out let's just organize it and then we're going to talk about the sharing capabilities okay.

Joe Miller: um as I hover over each of these insights you can see, this little grab handle I can drag and drop that around my my dashboard you can see, as I hover over it kind of shadows, the area that it's going to land some put my kpis at the top.

Joe Miller: i'm going to go ahead and move my table up to the right of this donut chart so the other way that it can prompt me to do this is by using the arrows you see these arrows here so i'll highlight the chart that I want and i'll use that to move move it up or down.

Joe Miller: A little bit up and maybe to the right.

Joe Miller: And I think that's good I think i've got everything in the place that I want the one thing is that if you want to increase the height of those rows drag these.

Joe Miller: drag this little drag bar here if I want to change the width of these particular insights I could use this resize button to say take up to 30 or three fourths or four fifths of that view so that's the way I could scale that organization horizontally.

Joe Miller: But that though i'm pretty happy with this layout now one thing that's really nice as a developer, is that the common dimensions that have been used across all these insights are now available here.

Joe Miller: In this view right, I have product category of product subcategory and I can leverage those to effectively do the filtering on my dashboard as an end user right.

Joe Miller: So let's talk about that let's talk about everything that your end user has at their fingertips to leverage a dashboard like this right.

Joe Miller: The first of which is the ability to personalize and I called the ability to personalize in two ways right, the first of which is making sure that they see the data that they want to see right effectively filtering right.

Joe Miller: The second one, which is making sure that they can organize the insight in the way that they see as important to them.

Joe Miller: Which is a little bit more unique right so let's talk about the data one first right, the first of which is.

Joe Miller: If i'm an analyst who cares about only accessories and bikes I can pre select those categories and apply them, and you can see my filter card up here.

Joe Miller: showcasing that right what's even more powerful is I can bookmark these filters right so i'll go ahead and add a book for bookmark called my.

Joe Miller: That was my team and i'll select add OK.

Joe Miller: So now, if I were to ever returned to the dashboard I could just instead of going through the filter and looking for the right ids or the right category, whatever it may be.

Joe Miller: I can just select my preset filter presets and jump right into the view that I want to view from a high level right.

Joe Miller: what's nice about this as well is, you see, that I can actually set this as a default so every time I go to this dashboard this is already applied, and I can also make it public, so if I want to share it with other TEAM members, I can as well.

Joe Miller: So some interesting and useful capabilities there so that's customizing the data that you see right.

Joe Miller: The other thing that i'll say is customizing the view that you see right.

Joe Miller: So for end user, they could come on over here to this little page little person in the bottom right corner and select to personalize this right.

Joe Miller: And there's a couple of things that they can do here in the first stage of personalization I can choose which insights they want to see maybe I don't care about the kpis so I can do, select that and then remove that, from my view.

Joe Miller: I can come over here and Edit the layout so maybe I want to see, they don't chart to the right and the table so left, so the details So the first thing that I see.

Joe Miller: And then on the insert settings maybe I just want to see a certain column within my tables right maybe I want to remove my revenue and only see profit.

Joe Miller: i'm going to go ahead and save that and show you that i've now created a personalized view.

Joe Miller: And the nice thing is that you know it's only specific to me, I can always go back to the original view and see how it was intended or jump back into my personalized view and see how i'd like to see it always a useful capability okay um now.

Joe Miller: that's interaction with the platform sharing within the platform, what can I do to democratize this information right.

Joe Miller: The first of which is a very low level like how do I just take data from an insight or get information from an insight into my own world right.

Joe Miller: Maybe I just want to do a quick report in a PowerPoint presentation around revenue by product or category right, I could choose as I hover over any of these insights to download.

Joe Miller: And download as a certain file type right, I could download the picture in this particular case, or if it's a table type I can actually download.

Joe Miller: As a csv or an excel file okay now fun fact is that any insight can become an excel file right, so I go over here into my donut chart I can actually update the settings here and say view this.

Joe Miller: As an aggregated table instead right, then I could download as a csv.

Joe Miller: So that's a little fun way of.

Joe Miller: Getting the information that you need so i'm going to back out of there so let's sharing at kind of like an insight level.

Joe Miller: But the dashboard level, you have a couple of options right the first option is sharing the whole dashboard to other encoder users who are Indian quarter platform right.

Joe Miller: Let me go back to my original view here.

Joe Miller: and select share.

Joe Miller: and share access okay from here, I could choose who I want to use it with share it with on I believe there was a group called creators group, so I said hey anyone who's assigned to the creators group they can either view share edit this dashboard.

Joe Miller: i'll say that they can share i'll share it over to them, so now, when they land into their content, page, they can see this dashboard as well okay.

Joe Miller: The other thing that you saw there for the eagle eyed out there is that you can actually schedule a report from here right, I could send an email on a recurring basis.

Joe Miller: or one time right and I could say hey maybe every seven days are effectively every week at.

Joe Miller: You know, whatever 11am Denver time.

Joe Miller: sent this this particular tab is an html file, or if I wanted to share just the data from a table.

Joe Miller: that's continued within their like their product and subcategory product subcategory table I could actually just schedule an excel file.

Joe Miller: Of what's in that dashboard to them as well, and you can have the body here as well, so that's another nice way for those who maybe not in the system are not subscribed to it and are really just want their updates via email, it can be done here as well.

Joe Miller: So that's a little bit on sharing and if I jump back into here in the scheduler Now you can actually see that set up an email schedule so as someone will receive this weekly time in and time out.

Joe Miller: Okay.

Joe Miller: Perfect um with that I think that's everything that I wanted to cover from a quarter sharing perspective.

Joe Miller: Let me jump back over into my presentation here and we'll make room for any important questions along the way, so let's get the slideshow show here.

Joe Miller: And just make a quick mention on before we take a pause for questions is one thing that is at your disposal is our Community

Joe Miller: If you've got questions about the session or as you continue to explore more deeply into the core platform, or maybe you're using it within your business Sim have questions.

Joe Miller: We want to hear from you right and the place where employees are always interacting within our or your industry peers right.

Joe Miller: Ask your question there get answers, if you use some quarters today, and you have some great ideas, where you'd like to see the product go, we have a idea repository that you can submit or upload ideas.

Joe Miller: Or you could just learn right we have bite size knowledge in the form of knowledge base articles, where people can solve some.

Joe Miller: content as they see fit, or maybe just here are some new announcements like product releases or important company news or upcoming events all that can be found there.

Joe Miller: OK okay with That being said, um I will pause there and see if there's any questions and Q amp a or chat.

Luke Gardner: hey Joe no outstanding questions at this time.

Joe Miller: Perfect Thank you Luke.

Joe Miller: i'll give it i'll give it 30 more seconds, just in case someone is.

Joe Miller: slipping one in last second.

Joe Miller: Okay, I don't see any coming in again if you've got any questions.

Joe Miller: Go ahead and reach out to me, you can find me at Joe Miller at encoding calm obviously i'm always on the Community.

Joe Miller: i'm here to help I do see a question that came in.

Joe Miller: Oh, the question that came in, as someone was trying to get into an encoder instance.

Joe Miller: Let me take your name down, and I will follow up with you after that session, it looks like you were trying to log into my cluster.

Joe Miller: versus making sure that you got one spin up your own so we'll make sure that you get set up with your own and we'll send you the lab instructions as well, so you can follow, along with what we did here today.

Joe Miller: Good um with That being said, I will follow up with you directly after the session, but for everyone else, thank you for joining today and we'll see you at the next session.

Hosted by:


Joe Miller

Sr. Director, Community & Customer Enablement
